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Food Vs Sleep

Two most common complaints of the mothers are their little one’s disturbed sleep schedule and fussy eating habits. So, should you really wake your baby up to feed him/her? Well, it really depends on your baby’s age, weight and health
Sleeping baby
Finding the right balance between feedings and sleep for your baby is challenging and takes time. Newborns usually lose up to 10% of their weight in the first few days after birth, and tend to regain it within one to two weeks. Mothers have to nurse approximately every two hours and ideally ten to twelve times each day. At this stage it is important to wake your baby every two hours, and try to make sure he/she remains awake while you’re feeding.
Seeing results
After the first two weeks of this pattern, your baby would have regained his/her weight and your milk supply is well established. Mothers will also notice that your baby may show signs of hunger such as restlessness, sucking of the lips and crying. As long as your baby is gaining weight and has a good urine and stool output, you can relax on the two hour rule and stretch it to 3 or 4 hours but no longer than that.
Mom singing to baby
Establish a pattern
As you and your baby ease into the feeding routine, it becomes important to establish a pattern for your baby’s sleep. Try your best to give your baby four hours of uninterrupted sleep each night as it sets the habit. Sometimes between the age group of one and six months, your baby will develop the habit of three naps or more during the day each lasting an hour to two. If you notice that this habit hinders his/her longer sleep pattern during the night, do wake your baby and keep him/her engaged.
Mom and baby sleeping
We look forward to your feedback and tips. Do share with us if you have any tips on how you manage your baby’s sleeping and feeding routine.
Proof reading has been done by Dr.Prathiba Vinod, Sp. Pediatrician at iCare’s Lamcy Plaza branch.