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10 Best Foods to Eat While Pregnant

Moms-to-be, you’re bringing someone special into this world! You have to remember that you’re eating not for one but two people. It is important to get yourself familiar with a whole lot of healthy choices filled with nutrients that you and your growing baby need.
Ever thought about the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy and where to get them? Make a note of these essentials:
Protein: Protein contains amino acids that play a significant role in your baby’s development process. You can get your dose of protein from eggs, skim milk, yogurt, and cooked dried beans.
Carbohydrates: Foods rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains work wonders for your body during pregnancy. They fuel your body with long-lasting energy and fiber. Try and eliminate simple carbohydrates, found in white sugar and white flour as well as foods that contain them, since they are fattening and add zero value to your body’s nutrition intake.
Fats: Fats are important energy hubs, but eating it in access will only add onto the calories. Fats help you metabolize vitamins A, D, E and K. You can fulfil your daily fats share by consuming lean meat, avocado, or egg yolk. Include only unsaturated fats for cooking purpose and avoid unhealthy fats.
Calcium: As you’re aware calcium helps build strong bones and teeth. Consuming it in adequate quantities will keep your baby’s bone structure strong and healthy. To ensure you get the necessary calcium ration drink milk and eat cottage cheese as well as yogurt.
Iron: Iron plays a key role in the production of hemoglobin, the fundamental red-blood-cell component that carries oxygen through the bloodstream. Hemoglobin during pregnancy is required to provide your baby with oxygen. You should eat dry fruits, pasta, whole-grain breads and green leafy veggies that are rich in iron.
Vitamin C: Helps build collagen, a protein that provides structure to your baby’s bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels. Tick off your daily Vitamin C requirement by eating citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower and tomatoes.
Folic Acid: This critical vitamin manufactures extra blood you and your baby need. Good sources of folic acid include leafy green vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, lean beef, oranges, lentils and peanuts.
Above all, make sure you drink a lot of water! Water is essential for developing new cells, maintaining blood volume and processing nutrients. It will also help curb swelling, constipation and your risk of urinary tract infections.