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Give your munchkin the best dental start!

You know it’s going to happen sooner or later but that does not make it any easier for you or your baby. We, of course, are talking about teething. Here is some know how to get you through those teething troubles:

And here it begins:

When infants are born they have all their primary teeth or baby teeth formed but these are hidden in the gums. On average these start emerging when your baby is about 6 months old, but it could also start as early as three months or as late as 12 months. As long as your baby’s 20 milk teeth are have arrived by the time they are 36 months old there is no need to worry. You can normally tell when they are coming through, as your baby may grizzle and produce a lot of saliva. Chilling teething rings in the fridge for your baby to suck and chew on can alleviate a lot of the pain and discomfort.

Cleaning pre-teeth:

Before your baby shows the first sign of a tooth bud, you can start wiping their gums with a soft cloth to help them help them get used to the idea of cleaning their teeth.  You do not need to use any toothpaste yet as the bacteria in the mouth can’t hurt the gums.
Check out our handy diagram to help you figure out your baby’s teeth and when they set in.

kids dental start


Starting to brush:

As soon as their first tooth appears, you should start brushing with a special baby sized brush that has a small head and is suitable for your hand. From time to time, your baby may want to have a go at brushing their own teeth, so there is no harm in letting them have a go. Make sure to check afterwards. Most kids don’ know how to brush well till they are about eight years of age, so brushing time will need your supervision. Getting them to brush and floss, thrice daily, after meals will ensure that they will have good oral hygiene for life.

Baby’s first visit to the dentist:

It is generally recommended that you take your baby to a prenatal dentist within the first 12 months. This is just routine procedure and ensures that the teeth are coming in the right way and at the right time. Like most health related stuff, prevention is better than cure.

Toothy Tales:

One of the biggest myths surrounding baby teeth is that it is okay to neglect them as they will eventually fall out and be replaced.  Starting good habits of oral hygiene will ensure good teeth for life. Development of cavities can be prevented and the layout of teeth will follow a natural progression if the adult teeth come in place of the baby ones, rather than filling the gap.
For more handy tips on this topic and about child care in general, download the Mom’s Little Secret book here.