Mothercare Blog

Hop on Board

The best board games for your kids.

Playing board games with your children is an easy and excellent way to spend quality and enjoyable time together as a family. Add to the fact that board games help build and sharpen your kids’ learning skills.

Below are a few board games which will help your child think better, understand better and mix with others better, all while having fun!

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Solving the Homework Dilemma

How to tackle any homework issues your child might have.

For kids the word “homework” means terror. To them it signifies the ruining of yet another evening hovering over their books, which they would have ideally liked to spend watching TV and playing with their buddies.

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Every Tale Has A Lesson

Each children's tale has an important lesson behind it.

Every child, from a toddler to a teenager, loves a good fairy tale. Fairy tales talk about a magical world and have a feel-good factor that makes them so popular with kids

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Go Green

Fun ways to approach green living with your kids.

Gone are the days when the ideal way of spending a holiday was visiting the park. When the sight of a lush garden or a new book rather than a growing stack of new video games would make the kids squeal with delight.

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