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Boost your little one's immunity this winter!


Mommies, winter is just around the corner and it may bring with it a host of cough & cold bugs. We have brought to you a few interesting and easy tips to adapt at home that will ensure your little ones catch fewer colds and develop a stronger immunity this winter. Read on to find out how:


Feed them right!

The first step towards building a strong immune system is ensuring they are eating right. Kids who do not eat healthy will get sick sooner, and stay sick longer than kids with healthier eating habits. Keeping in mind any allergies your kids may have, you can try these foods for starter:

Carrots, Kiwi, Nuts & Seeds, Turkey, Salmon, Milk, & Leafy Vegetables.

Enough sleep & active environment:

Ensure your little one gets enough sleep. When one sleeps, they produce melatonin, which has a powerful antioxidant effect that helps the body fight diseases. Keep them active by involving them in sports and playground activities.


Keep the environment just enough clean!

Though cleanliness is great for keeping your child healthy, understand that to help develop a strong immunity they need to be exposed to some germs too. While you are keeping the house spick and span, take them for walks to the garden or other open areas so their immunity against germs become stronger.

Develop clean habits:

Washing after self when they return from playgrounds, hand-washing before meals and after they have touched pets, are just some of the small but important habits that you need to help your little one develop.

Get them important vaccination:

All children above 6 months can be vaccinated by two doses ( 1 month apart) of Flu vaccine which will protect them against Influenza A and B .

Lastly, before winter arrives with all its suave, make arrangements to keep their room temperature right, stock up on warm clothes and medicines, just in case.

Have a pleasant winter, mommies!

The proofreading was done by Dr. Reshma Pais, Sp. Pbhdiatrician  at iCare Lamcy Plaza, Dubai, UAE.